20h From Quantic Physic to Solid Physic

Physique Quantique

For the student in first year at ESPCI, I make a brief introduction to Quantum Mechanics. I start with a basic lecture on Waves Mechanics to introduce the notions of wave functions, spectral decomposition and the Schrödinger equation. Simple cases like particles in a scalar energy landscape with wells and barriers are studied. Then I move on to the formalism of Quantum Mechanics. I apply it to the measurement of a two-levels system. Follow different basic applications such as the harmonic oscillator, the kinetic momentum and the hydrogen atom. I then introduce the spin, and the combination of kinetic momenta. I finished by a brief introduction to multi-particle problems and the quantum statistics.
Cours, 1ère année de formation ingénieur ESPCI

Physique Quantique : TP de Microscopie à effet tunnel

In second year at ESPCI, students come to my laboratory to make practical courses, most of them being more or less related to quantum mechanics : radioactivity, ESR, RMN, optical pumping … and STM. I am more specifically in charge of the STM experiment this year. A Nanosurf aparatus is used to study the surface of graphite : imaging with atomic resolution, I-V characteristics and spectroscopy, exponential decay of the tunneling current as a function the distance. Then a fresh gold layer is evaporated by the students, and imaged by STM.
2ème année de formation ingénieur ESPCI

Séminaire de Physique Expérimentale

A series of seven seminars is given by distinguished colleagues (Dimitri Rodichev, Takis Kontos and Yannick Dewilde) and myself on the theme: "quantum coherence in confined electronic systems". The idea is to present to students recent experiments showing that samples can be made with dimensions smaller than the characteristics length scales like the phase coherence for example, whose behavior strongly refer to quantum coherence. Examples range from the conductance quantification in metallic constrictions to nano superconducting contacts, quantum corrals studied by STM, and plasmons in confined geometries.
M2 : « Concepts fondamentaux de la physique : Physique de la Matière Condensée »
Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris Diderot, Paris XI, Ecole Polytechnique, ENS

Physique du Solide

Phonons, électrons dans les solides, modèles de bandes, calculs de bandes LCAO et électrons presque libres, semiconducteurs, jonctions p :n, transistors MOS, effet Hall quantique
Préceptorats, 3ème année de formation ingénieur ESPCI

Des électrons libres aux électrons corrélés

TD, M2 “Concepts Fondamentaux de la Physique” parcours “Physique de la Matière Condensée”. Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris Diderot, Paris XI, Ecole Polytechnique, ENS
Page web : http://enseignement.phys.ens.fr/master-2-cfp/parcours/article/parcours-de-physique-de-la-matiere?lang=fr

Physique des couches minces

Procédés de dépôt de couches minces - Propriétés électriques et optiques des couches
Couches conductrices transparentes et applications
Cours, Master SMNO, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, ESPCI

Physique Quantique

TD, Préceptorats, 1ère année de formation ingénieur ESPCI
TP 2ème année de formation ingénieur ESPCI

Physique du Solide

Préceptorats, 3ème année de formation ingénieur ESPCI
