Adrian Balan, Thales Palaiseau

Jeudi 19 Janvier 2017 à 14h00
Amphi Holweck, Esc C
1ème etage

Title : "Emerging electronic states in 2D materials" (Adrian Balan)

Abstract :

The discovery of graphene in 2004 launched a new research field in solid state physics. Today, one of the biggest challenges in condensed matter is to identify and characterize new remarkable electronic states in 2D materials that might fundamentally change the future of electronics.
In the first part of this presentation I will introduce my activity in the field of 2D materials, starting with the study of graphene under high doping during my Phd, and the study of defects in graphene and MoS2 in my first postdoc at Unversity of Pennsylvania. The second part will contain a brief introduction to exciting electronic states which might be obtained in 2D materials by electrostatic doping.

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