Pr Minoru Nohara

Amphi Holweck, Bat C, 1er étage Jeudi 23/05 à 14h.
Superconductivity induced by dimer breaking in layered Ir and Au ditellurides

Superconductivity and structural evolution upon chemical substitution of IrTe2 and AuTe2 are reported. IrTe2 exhibits a charge order transition at 270 K, characterized by a formation of Ir dimers. This state can be transformed into a superconducting state by chemical substitution or mechanical exfoliation. AuTe2 exhibits a structural transition that is characterized by the formation of Te dimers. This state can be suppressed by chemical substitution or hydrostatic pressure, and strong-coupling superconductivity emerges. These observations demonstrate that breaking molecular-like dimers in crystals are a promising route to developing superconductors.

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