The next LPEM seminar (hybrid format) will be given Thursday July 6 at 2:00 pm (Paris time)
The seminar will take place at ESPCI, Room Boreau, Building C, 2nd Floor
Twisting spins in kagome antiferromagnet Mn3Sn
Mn3Sn is a kagome antiferromagnet which has attracted much attention since the discovery of its large anomalous Hall and Nernst effect[1-3] and has become an important candidate for antiferromagnetic spintronics[4]. Its interesting physical properties, such as anomalous transport, antiferromagnetism, etc., are closely related to its coplanar triangular spin order[5]. What would happen if its triangular spin order is twisted by a magnetic field ?
Recently, we carried out detailed experimental measurements on its twisting properties. We found that the in-plane twisting of triangular spin order gives rise to a quadratic magnetization effect, the sixfold and 12-fold magneto-torque oscillations suggesting the high-order and anisotropic magnetic free energy[6], as well as a remarkable linear magnetostriction effect pointing to a spin-lattice Young’s modulus coupling[7]. More interesting, the out-of-plane twisting induces a large linear anomalous Hall and Nersnt effect attributed to the field induced nontrival spin chirality that gapping out Weyl nodal lines unknown before[8]. In addition, using a new technology of the Ettinghausen thermal imaging, we successfully observe the nucleation and propagation behavior of the Mn3Sn magnetic domains.