LPEM Webinar, Thursday July 9 at 2PM (Paris Time, GMT+2) by Luca de’ Medici,
ESPCI, CNRS-PSL Research University, Paris, France
Electronic compressibility and high-Tc superconductivity : new links
In multi-orbital Hubbard models including strong intra-atomic exchange a so-called "Hund’s metal” phase is realized that, among other hallmarks, typically shows a strong differentiation in the degree of correlation of the conduction electrons based on their orbital character.
This selective physics is also a key player in Iron-based superconductors (FeSC), where a wealth of experimental evidences validates this theoretical picture.
We here show that at the frontier between this Hund’s metal phase and a conventional metal, the electronic compressibility is strongly enhanced or even divergent, and that among the FeSC, those that have a high Tc are placed in our simulations on this frontier.
This same theoretical evidence of enhanced compressibility at the frontier between a phase with selective correlations and a more conventional metal is found in cuprates, and we will outline the main indications for a common scenario of high-Tc superconductivity.
References :
1) L. de’ Medici, G. Giovannetti and M. Capone, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 177001 (2014)
2) L. de’ Medici, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 167003 (2017)
3) P. Villar Arribi and L. de’ Medici, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 197001 (2018).