Jeudi 14 Avril 2016 14h
Amphi Holweck, Esc C,
1ème etage
From low energy collective modes in semimetals to a novel mechanism of Nernst effect in bismuth.
Abstract : We begin with introducing low energy collective modes in semimetals, the acoustic plasmons. We derive conditions of their existence and their effective hamiltonian. With this we are able to compute their influence on several transport coefficients. The first one is an electric resistivity where we obtain a crossover from a single particle to a collective Baber resistivity. Next we discuss briefly magneto-optical conductivity experiments. Finally, we incorporate lattice to our model and compute a plasmon-phonon coupling vertex which turns out to have a resonant structure. With this we can postulate a novel component of Nernst effect in bismuth and study its temperature dependence at low magnetic fields.